Corona Virus Gender Equality messages

  1. Women’s and girls’ need for protection services including gender-based violence (GBV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention and mitigation are likely to increase as the accessibility of these services declines due to increased focus on the Corona virus. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. Older women or those with chronic conditions or weakened immune systems like women infected with HIV, tuberculosis who appear to be at greater risk of contracting COVID-19, or for women and girls experiencing malnutrition. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. Food may become scarcer during a public health emergency, forcing households to engage in negative coping mechanisms, such as consuming less food. Where women eat last and least, this can lead to additional health complications, including increased susceptibility to COVID-19. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. Provision of family planning and other sexual and reproductive health services and commodities, including those related to menstrual health, are central to women and girls’ health, empowerment, and dignity, and may be impacted as supply chains undergo strains from COVID-19 pandemic response. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. The closure of schools to control COVID-19 transmission has a differential effect on women economically, given their role in providing most of the informal care within families, with consequences that limit their work and economic opportunities. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. Gender inequalities and vulnerabilities, increasing risks of abuse is likely to increase following the outbreak of the corona virus for example women and girls may be at higher risk, for example, of intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence due to heightened tensions in the household. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. States should include women in decision making for outbreak preparedness and response and ensure women’s representation in national and local COVID-19 policy spaces. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


  1. Sexual and reproductive health services and commodities are often overlooked in times of crisis, yet women continue to require family planning, menstrual health supplies and maternal health care. #RightByHer #StopCoronaVirus


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